Uchū Senkan Yamato is based on the anime series Space Battleship Yamato, also known as Star Blazers. The events of the game follow those of the initia...
Uchū Senkan Yamato is based on the anime series Space Battleship Yamato, also known as Star Blazers. The events of the game follow those of the initia...
Eple is a girl dressed in a penguin suit that travels around with her little blue penguin and is trying to get back home. However, she must defeat the...
In the early 21th century humanity discovered a race of bug-like aliens while colonizing known space. The aliens steadily advance towards the Earth wi...
In the early 21th century humanity discovered a race of bug-like aliens while colonizing known space. The aliens steadily advance towards the Earth wi...
Life simulation style dating game. Juggle your spare time to increase various stats, while looking for the girl of your dreams.
The TV Show is a puzzle platform game like Bomberman with more varieties in the items. Each character has differente abilities wich must be used to so...
While waiting in a bar for his partner, Cobra encounters a beautiful bounty hunter named Jane. Very soon he realizes that the bounty Jane has been hun...
The Pro Yakyū Super is a follow-up to The Pro Yakyū. Gameplay mechanics are nearly identical to that of the predecessor. Along with the simulation and...
Falcom has pretty much established themselves as one of the finest RPG makers in the business, and Xanadu II - an offshoot of the Legend of Heroes ser...
In Legend of Xanadu, the player controls a young adventurer named Areios. Monsters attack his homeland, and he is forced to flee. After traveling by s...