Tag: Zeus Software

El Capitan Trueno

El Capitan Trueno

Sinclair ZX Spectrum

El Capitán Trueno debe rescatar a su amada Sigrid de un monasterio. En el camino deberá enfrentarse a arañas gigantes, soldados esqueleto, enormes rat...

Comando tracer

Comando tracer

Sinclair ZX Spectrum

En el año 2046 la Industria de Androides Inteligentes (M.O.X.A.T.) creó el sistema DERGON, un revolucionario dispositivo de inteligencia artificial b...

Risky Woods

Risky Woods

Sega Genesis

Unusually for Electronic Arts in the early 90s, this was a platform -shooter game with little or no adventuring or strategy elements. The game scrolls...

A criminal called Scrubby has escaped. He was imprisoned for trying to steal the Magic Pendulum - which brings toys to life. Relik, a cuckoo clock, gu...

Unusually for Electronic Arts in the early 90s, this was a platform -shooter game with little or no adventuring or strategy elements. The game scrolls...