Based on the blockbuster animated feature film, Disney's The Lion King brings to life the majesty and mystery of Africa through the tale of Simba, a l...
Based on the blockbuster animated feature film, Disney's The Lion King brings to life the majesty and mystery of Africa through the tale of Simba, a l...
Based on the blockbuster animated feature film, Disney's The Lion King brings to life the majesty and mystery of Africa through the tale of Simba, a l...
Based on the blockbuster animated feature film, Disney's The Lion King brings to life the majesty and mystery of Africa through the tale of Simba, a l...
Based on the blockbuster animated feature film, Disney's The Lion King brings to life the majesty and mystery of Africa through the tale of Simba, a l...
Dungeon & Dragons: Warriors of the Eternal Sun is set in the world of Mystara, a setting of the Dungeons & Dragons game. The characters find themselve...
Westwood Studios' real-time strategy classic Dune II received a major overhaul when ported to the Sega Genesis. While the basic concept remains the sa...
Eye of the Beholder is a dungeon crawler RPG with a first-person perspective based on the 2nd Edition AD&D rules. The starting party consists of four ...
Everyone blamed evil jester Malcolm for his deeds, how he turned everyone to stone, and how he killed King and the Queen (you'll find out in this game...
The Legend of Kyrandia is the first in a trilogy of adventure games by Westwood. In this game the player controls Brandon, grandson of Kallak - a wiza...
Virgin Interactive Entertainment presents Westwood Studios' wittiest, prettiest and most ambitious work to date. Featuring sumptuous 3-dimonsional ren...