"BARADUKE" is an action game released by NAMCO (Bandai Namco Entertainment) in 1985. The peaceful, friendly world of PACCET has been attacked by th...
"BARADUKE" is an action game released by NAMCO (Bandai Namco Entertainment) in 1985. The peaceful, friendly world of PACCET has been attacked by th...
Athena is an action game released by SNK in 1986. Athena, the adventure-loving energetic princess of the Kingdom of Victory, goes on a journey to F...
"ASSAULT" is a shooter released by NAMCO (Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc.) in 1988. The first title of the SYSTEM II game circuit board with new fe...
'Armed F' is a shooting game that was released from Nichibutsu in 1988. Players equip 'Armor' what can make variety attacks, and fight in variety w...
ARGUS is a shooting game released by JALECO in 1986. Fly an aircraft with anti-air and anti-ground guns and use the power-ups available to destroy ...
"ARABIAN" is an action game released by SUNSOFT in 1983. Set in ancient Persia, a young Arabian boy embarks on a journey to rescue a captured princ...
ALPINE SKI is an arcade sports game released by TAITO in 1982. Hit the silver slopes and glide across 3 different stages! Look out for obstacles, o...
ALPHA MISSION is a shooting game released by SNK in 1985. Equip Power Armor as you fight and experience one of the most innovative shooting games o...
'A-JAX' is a shooting game that was released in 1987. Players play as special combat troops codenamed 'A-JAX' with the goal of destroying an army o...
"64th. STREET" is an action game released by JALECO in 1991. Detective RICK and his partner ALLEN follow the kidnapping of a company president's da...