"Chack'n Pop" is an action game released by TAITO in 1983. Take control of Chack'n and race against the clock to take back the hearts imprisoned by...
"Chack'n Pop" is an action game released by TAITO in 1983. Take control of Chack'n and race against the clock to take back the hearts imprisoned by...
'Buta san' is an action game that was released from JALECO in 1987. Players try to survive while throwing time bombs at each other. Can you survive...
"Burger Time" is an action game released by Data East in 1982. The goal is to make burgers by stepping on the giant ingredients to drop them onto t...
'BUBBLE BOBBLE' is an action game that was released from TAITO in 1986. Players control the twin Bubble Dragons that are called 'Bubblun' and 'Bobb...
'BOMB JACK' is an action game that was released by Tehkan (Koei Tecmo Games) in 1984. Players control 'Jack', a superhero who can leap and glide, t...
"BLOCK HOLE" is a puzzle shooter game released by KONAMI in 1989. Shoot blocks as they descend from above, and form them into rectangular shapes to...
"BLACK HEART" is a shooter released by UPL in 1991. Taranith, absolute ruler of the Dark Forces, has kidnapped Jeanne. Zil must mount his dragon an...
BIO-SHIP PALADIN" is a shooting game released by UPL in 1990. Players use a variety of weapons to defeat bosses, including a main weapon with charg...
"BEN BERO BEH" is an action game released by TAITO in 1984. Avoid obstacles and put out fires to rescue NAO-Chan from the flames. Full of unique ch...
"Bells & Whistles" is a shooting game released by KONAMI in 1991. Collect bells to receive all sorts of power-ups or powerful Charged Shots and use...