"Super Volleyball" is a sports game released by VIDEO SYSTEM in 1989. It features techniques like delayed attacks and back attacks despite its simp...
"Super Volleyball" is a sports game released by VIDEO SYSTEM in 1989. It features techniques like delayed attacks and back attacks despite its simp...
"SUPER PAC-MAN" is an action game released by NAMCO (Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc.) in 1982. It’s an additional power-up to NAMCO's flagship titl...
'Super Dodge Ball' is an action game that was released by Technos Japan in 1987. Players compete with powerful teams of the world, to become a Supe...
"SUPER COBRA" is a shooting game released by KONAMI in 1981. The player's goal is to fly their helicopter all the way to the enemy base that appear...
"SUNSETRIDERS" is an action shooting game released by KONAMI in 1991. The game takes place in the American Old West during the 19th century. Four g...
"SPACE SEEKER" is a hybrid strategy and shooting game released by TAITO in 1981. The game has you battling for victory against ever-approaching wav...
'Solomon's Key' is an action game that was released from Tecmo in 1986. Players make full use of the 'magic' of the main character Dana to collect ...
'Soldier Girl Amazon' is a shooting game that was released from Nichibutsu in 1986. The soldier girl Amazon fights on the completely changed Earth ...
"SOLDAM" is a puzzle game released by JALECO in 1992. The game is an elusive puzzle known only to the fairy folk. The core rule of the game is to l...
"SKY KID" is a shooter released by NAMCO (Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc.) in 1985. Players control BARON and MAX to fight enemies with bombs and m...