The game takes place on Asura, a world situated on the back of an enormous dragon-turtle. The story follows Red Robin, an alcoholic yet cheerful merce...
The game takes place on Asura, a world situated on the back of an enormous dragon-turtle. The story follows Red Robin, an alcoholic yet cheerful merce...
The Ultimate Edition includes: ・The game ・A Cooking Item that gives your character permanent Ki-ATK, Ki-DEF and HP Stat boosts ・Season Pass (2 orig...
Four nerds, drawn into a fantasy world and mistaken for heroes, have to battle their way through a massive, crazy adventure and defeat a preposterous ...
Life is not as easy and simple as it seemed in your childhood. To survive in a world full of dangers, you must go through the difficult ninja train...
KO the gods in the world’s only 3rd-person platform fighter! Become a small-but-mighty god of myth, brawl in all three dimensions, and knock your frie...
It is said that great adventures await behind the walls of this dark castle, Devious Dungeon 2 is a medieval focused action platformer title. The c...
Set in the Dark Ages, Devious Dungeon is a medieval focused action platformer title. Under orders by the King, you will assume the control of a Kni...
Destropolis is a top-down shooter game, inspired by video games classics. It takes place in a futuristic city, filled with red, cube-like enemies. Te...
Gothic “metroidvania” adventure awaits in Demoniaca: Everlasting Night, a side-scrolling action platformer that mixes beautifully grotesque imagery wi...
Dawn Ashmoore is about to uncover the dark mysteries of ancient Egypt. The old gods step into our world. The renowned Demon Hunter once again confr...