In the year 20XX, robots developed to assist mankind are commonplace thanks to the efforts of renowned robot designer Dr. Light. However, one day, the...
In the year 20XX, robots developed to assist mankind are commonplace thanks to the efforts of renowned robot designer Dr. Light. However, one day, the...
Picross is a logic puzzle game in which the player uses a chisel and rock hammer to uncover pictures. In order to reveal the picture, number clues are...
VIRTUAL CONSOLE 3DS AMBASSADOR PROGRAM EXCLUSIVE Mario squares off against his original foe--and this time with extra help! Donkey Kong™ just ma...
Spin, Lob, Drop, Smash -- It's time for some Mario Tennis! Take your game to the next level in Mario Tennis with 3 fun-packed modes! Practice contr...
VIRTUAL CONSOLE 3DS AMBASSADOR PROGRAM EXCLUSIVE The Mario Kart series’ first handheld outing is fun and lightning-fast! Mario Kart: Super Circuit ...
Tee off with Mario and friends in this unique sporting adventure! The Game Boy Color version of Mario Golf is part simulation, part role-playing ga...
Mario and Luigi bring the POW! in this classic arcade game! Mario and Luigi are doing some underground plumbing when all sorts of strange creatures...
Mario & Yoshi is a fast-paced NES puzzle game in which you must mix and match falling characters and piece together eggshells to free the Yoshi trappe...
Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga is a role-playing video game developed by AlphaDream and published by Nintendo for the Game Boy Advance in 2003. It was ...
Discover worlds of pinball fun in the palm of your hand. Choose your world and take aim. Kirby™ will be launched into the fast-paced dangers of unc...