Based on the blockbuster animated feature film, Disney's The Lion King brings to life the majesty and mystery of Africa through the tale of Simba, a l...
Based on the blockbuster animated feature film, Disney's The Lion King brings to life the majesty and mystery of Africa through the tale of Simba, a l...
Get down to the bare necessities of life and escort Mowgli through the jungle to the safety of the human village. Fight the boggle-eyed snake, Kaa, an...
Based on the blockbuster animated feature film, Disney's The Lion King brings to life the majesty and mystery of Africa through the tale of Simba, a l...
Get down to the bare necessities of life and escort Mowgli through the jungle to the safety of the human village. Fight the boggle-eyed snake, Kaa, an...
Based on the blockbuster animated feature film, Disney's The Lion King brings to life the majesty and mystery of Africa through the tale of Simba, a l...
Get down to the bare necessities of life and escort Mowgli through the jungle to the safety of the human village. Fight the boggle-eyed snake, Kaa, an...
The game is a 1-player platformer in which the player controls Cool Spot, who can jump, and attack by firing soda bubbles, which could be shot in all ...
Unga Bunga! Chuck Rock's wife, Ophelia, has been captured by that no-good Gary Gritter. Can Chuck belly-butt his way through five increasingly challen...
When Machiko Tashoku, the daughter of the Pscane Corporation's head honcho, is abducted by the Pigs of the Apocalypse and forced indignantly into the ...
Two Tribes: Populous II is the sequel to Populous and was released for the Sega Mega Drive in 1993. This name is exclusive to the Mega Drive port - ot...