"Floracy" is a roleplaying game with elements of strategy and action games, in which the player breeds plantlike creatures for exciting animated comba...
"Floracy" is a roleplaying game with elements of strategy and action games, in which the player breeds plantlike creatures for exciting animated comba...
A colorful puzzle game for your favorite handheld console. Can you flood the whole field with a single color within 25 steps?
The fairy Sodoma, responsible for all plantlife, has been captured! with nothing to eat, Donkey Kong sets out on a quest to rescue Sodoma. Donkey ...
"The pretty and virtuous girl Sodoma was Donkey Kong's friend, she was the spirit what charge of all the plant in the world, she distributed sunlight ...
"Dog's Muck Island is a short Gameboy game inspired by Link's Awakening's fetch quest. Play in your browser or on a real Gameboy or Analogue Pocket. ...
"An old abandoned ship contains a precious cargo, but what is it, and is it worth the risk? You can try and make your way to the main deck and claim t...
Veegie Geekie's Art Rom isn't necessarily a game, more like an art gallery. This adult homebrew ROM is a collection of compressed art pieces distri...
Classic Edition 7-in-1
It is quite a well designed game, and despite being a somewhat short game manages to prove itself as a capable Mario game with it successfully replica...
Super 16-Bit Classics for Game Boy Advance features 30 GBA versions of classic SNES games. Many of the games have graphics or sound improvements makin...