In the single-player game, the player takes the role of the unnamed protagonist, named Ranger in later games (voiced by Trent Reznor), sent into a por...
In the single-player game, the player takes the role of the unnamed protagonist, named Ranger in later games (voiced by Trent Reznor), sent into a por...
Irides: Master of Blocks is a Sega Dreamcast puzzle game independently developed by Madpeet and published by GOAT Store Publishing. It was launched on...
159 SNES English Patched JRPGs is a Compilation/RPG video game published by Ian Micheal released on July 28th, 2019 for the SEGA Dreamcast. This is...
2D arcade shooting game with emphasis on scoring originally developed for NEO·GEO. The game lets the player choose between 3 game modes with different...
Doom for the Dreamcast is a port based on older Doom code. In that sense, it's more like Chocolate Doom. It does support variable resolution, allowing...
The game takes place in the future where something has caused nearly all the dry land to sink into the ocean. Those that survived built new civilizati...
Divi-Dead is a Japanese 2D adult game released by C's Ware in 1998. The game's theme falls into the category of adult horror, as it deals with superna...
Here is the first shoot ‘em up with punch! Thanks to the numerous transformations of Captain Tomaday, the tomato man, fight the ‘Eggplant Aliens’. In ...
This is a fan made compilation It includes all these games: Capcom vs. SNK (NTSC-U) Capcom vs. SNK Pro (NTSC-J) Capcom vs. SNK 2 (NTSC-J) Capcom...
TDC Final v2 by Toodles Release February 2007 Contents: Capcom vs SNK 2 (JP) Capcom vs SNK 2: Fan Disk (JP) Marvel vs Capcom 2 (US) Ma...