Tag: Unofficial

Pokemon Serene Crystal

Pokemon Serene Crystal

Nintendo Game Boy Color

Description Pokémon Serene Crystal is a hack designed to refresh the original Crystal experience. It introduces new gym leaders, incorporates Pokém...

Pokémon Aquamarine

Pokémon Aquamarine

Nintendo Game Boy Advance

Intro: Pokémon Aquamarine and its eight variants are ROM hacks of FireRed that takes place in Manta, an entirely new region based off South America. ...

Worked on over the course of half a decade, Star Beasts is a Gen 1 dex overhaul and homage to the first generation of Pokémon games. Started as a p...

Pokémon Velvet

Pokémon Velvet

Nintendo Game Boy Color

Pokémon Velvet is a deluxe version and follow up to Pokémon Pink 'n Purple: Hatenna & Sneasel. Aside from all relevant art being updated to not repres...

Pokémon Peridot

Pokémon Peridot

Nintendo Game Boy Color

Pokemon Peridot is a hack created using the pokecrystal disassembly project from pret. Taking place in a wholly original region, this release features...

009 Pokemon Emerald Crest

009 Pokemon Emerald Crest

Nintendo Game Boy Advance

Aaghat Rom Hack Godetevi l'avventura di Pokemon Emerald Crest una trama classica dell'originale Pokemon Smeraldo, introducendo al contempo numerose ...

007 Pokemon Odyssey

007 Pokemon Odyssey

Nintendo Game Boy Advance

PacoScarso Rom Hack. Sull'isola di Talrega si trova l'entrata per il labirinto dell'Yggdrasil, un gigantesco dedalo scavato dalle radici dell'albero ...

The Real Double Dragon

The Real Double Dragon

Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)

The game is a hack of Double Dragon 1 for NES, where Jimmy Lee is added as a second player. It is more similar to the arcade version.