"Uma Aventura Xalabaias" (A Xalabaias Adventure, in english) is a homebrew release of "Super Mario World" which uses as a character the Brazilian yout...
"Uma Aventura Xalabaias" (A Xalabaias Adventure, in english) is a homebrew release of "Super Mario World" which uses as a character the Brazilian yout...
"Top Gear Formula 1" is a homebrew release of Top Gear.
Top Gear - Classics Edition is a rom hack for the SNES racing game Top Gear made by Silas Coelho (Silas.Design) in 2016 to celebrate the series 25th b...
"Toad's World" is a homebrew release of Super Mario World.
This is the LOZ - Third Quest (complete) patch, which purpose is to transform BS Zelda into an old fashion Legend of Zelda game.
"The Legend of Zelda: The Mini Quest" is a homebrew release of Super Mario World, with elements from the Zelda series.
"The Legend of Zelda: Lyra Islands" is a homebrew release of The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past.
Play the original Legend of the Zelda game with bonus content, extra missions, added challenges, and challenging puzzles in Zelda 3 Goddess of Wisdom!...
It's a vanilla romhack but features a mostly new overworld, new plot, and 8 brand new dungeons by gweilogopher
Zelda’s wish has had a different outcome than expected, leading to a world not so different from her original… This hack was made to provide a new ad...