In the year 2998, humanity has finally reached the stars, and was able to build a prosperous, peaceful society. However, a space matter known as the B...
In the year 2998, humanity has finally reached the stars, and was able to build a prosperous, peaceful society. However, a space matter known as the B...
The game takes place in the year 2210 where 'the ultimate arcade machine' Grind Stormer/V・V has finally been released. A VR shooting game, Grind Storm...
Flying Shark, released in North America as Sky Shark, is a 1987 vertical scrolling shooter arcade game developed by Toaplan and published by Taito in ...
Fixeight is a run-and-gun arcade game made by Toaplan in 1992. It is the Spiritual Sequel to "Out Zone." The plot is rather simple: Your character ...
Fire Shark, released in Japan as Same! Same! Same!, is a 1989 shoot 'em up arcade game developed and published by Toaplan. The player controls a bipla...
Dogyuun is an arcade Shoot 'em Up made by Toaplan in 1992. The plot is somewhat vague, except that it involves two pilots destroying aliens after a...
Demon's World, released in Japan as "Horror Story", is a platformer arcade game that was developed by Toaplan and published by Taito in 1989. This gam...
Batsugun (バツグン Batsugun?) is a vertically scrolling shoot 'em up video game created by the now-defunct Japanese game developer Toaplan. The title tran...