MUSHA is a vertically scrolling shooter. The player takes on the role of Terri, a pilot who flies a specially designed mecha vehicle with advanced we...
MUSHA is a vertically scrolling shooter. The player takes on the role of Terri, a pilot who flies a specially designed mecha vehicle with advanced we...
Our galaxy is being devoured by a dark force - the Super Mech! A thousand-year peace is shattered by the Black Nebula’s forces as they begin to att...
In the year 2998, humanity has finally reached the stars, and was able to build a prosperous, peaceful society. However, a space matter known as the B...
In this hectic, top-down, vertically-scrolling shooter where the screen is constantly filled with enemies and bullets, players have a constant, unlimi...
Enemy forces are attacking! Communication lines are cut. Military bases lay in ruins. Everything seems lost when from out of the smoky haze flies o...
Fire Shark, released in Japan as Same! Same! Same! (鮫!鮫!鮫!), is a 1989 arcade shoot-'em-up by Toaplan ported to the Sega Mega Drive in 1990. This is o...
Fire Shark takes place around a small island in the South Pacific. It is a continuously-scrolling aerial shooter with a top-down view. Your World War ...
Twin Hawk is a typical vertical scrolling shooter with a top-down view. Your goal is easy, shoot all the enemies along the way. You only get a standar...
Compilation of Toaplan arcade "Tiger Heli" series. Included in Both the Physical and Digital Editions : - Kyukyoku Tiger (arcade version) - Tig...
The gameplay of Snow Bros. is similar to Bubble Bobble, released in 1986. The game supports up to two players, with each player taking the part of one...