Rocket Power: Zero Gravity is based on the Nickelodeon show of the same name, and features 12 environments for characters Otto, Reggie, Twister, and S...
Rocket Power: Zero Gravity is based on the Nickelodeon show of the same name, and features 12 environments for characters Otto, Reggie, Twister, and S...
There's trouble in Ocean Shores when Otto has a nightmare that Dr. Stimpleton captures his sister Reggie and friends Twister and Sam. This sends Otto ...
It's summer time at Ocean Shores, but the sand at the beach has magically disappeared. Otto, Reggie, Twister and Sam from Rocket Power are surprised b...
Initiate contact with another galaxy and launch a makeshift satellite into space before breakfast. That's nothing for Jimmy Neutron, the teenage super...
Based on the Hey Arnold! The Movie coming to theaters June 21, 2002. Follow Arnold and friends through a whirlwind adventure to try and save the neigh...
The Drake & Josh videogame follows the lives of two very different step-brothers and their crazy adventures with school, girls and their crafty sister...
A powerful new eco-ghost has turned Amity Park into a real urban jungle. Danny Phantom must battle his way through the twisted thorns and monstrous ve...
The future is in peril! It's up to Danny to save his friends and family from the most dangerous force imaginable! Use all of Danny's paranormal powers...
Based on Paramount Pictures' and Nickelodeon Movies' theatrical release, this adventure game offers a humorous look at how farm animals really live wh...
My Little Pony Crystal Princess: The Runaway Rainbow is an Adventure game, developed by Webfoot Technologies and published by THQ, which was released ...