Tag: Thor Computer Software

The Arc of Yesod

The Arc of Yesod

Sinclair ZX Spectrum

The Monolith, object of the previous game, teleported off into space just as Charlemagne 'Charlie' Fotheringham-Grunes was completing his quest. He ha...

Jack and the Beanstalk

Jack and the Beanstalk

Sinclair ZX Spectrum

JACK AND THE BEANSTALK Jack and his mother are poor. They own a cow Daisy which would give them milk, but now she is growing old and wear. So Jac...

The Arc of Yesod

The Arc of Yesod

Commodore 64

Arc of Yesod is a video game by Odin Computer Graphics published in 1985 for the Sinclair Spectrum and Commodore 64. It is the sequel to Nodes of Yeso...



Commodore 64

Stairways takes place at a bar, and the objective is to collect 7 pieces of the legendary amulet of the great budgie WONGA. Along the way, you shoot d...



Commodore 64

You want to become a special agent for I.C.U.P.S. (International Commission for Universal Problem Solving), but before they can accept you, you have t...

giants revenge

giants revenge

Commodore 64

Giant's Revenge is the sequel to Jack and the Beanstalk. Jack was last seen crushing the giant into the depths of the earth. Several months have gone ...