Tag: The Odd Gentlemen

King's Quest brings adventure gaming into a new era while staying true to what made the original games beloved; the unforgettable storytelling, wit, p...

The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom is a puzzle platform game. The player controls the titular character, P.B. Winterbottom, in an attempt to gathe...

King's Quest is an ongoing episodic video game series developed by The Odd Gentlemen, published by Sierra Entertainment and distributed by Activision....

Developed by The Odd Gentlemen, the new King’s Quest™ reimagines all the charm, humor, puzzles, exploration and sense of wonder that made the franchis...

Create your own paradox... for the love of pie. Enter a macabre and comical silent world filled with mischief, time travel and delicious pie in The Mi...

King's Quest is an episodic video game series developed by The Odd Gentlemen and published by Activision under the Sierra Entertainment brand name for...

King's Quest: Chapter 1

King's Quest: Chapter 1

Microsoft Xbox 360

Download King’s Quest – Chapter 1: A Knight to Remember, the first part of a five-chapter game series that boldly reimagines one of gaming’s most grou...