Ninja Gaiden (NINJA 外伝?) is a series of video games by Tecmo featuring the ninja Ryu Hayabusa as its protagonist. The series was originally known as N...
Ninja Gaiden (NINJA 外伝?) is a series of video games by Tecmo featuring the ninja Ryu Hayabusa as its protagonist. The series was originally known as N...
Saboten Bombers is an arcade game that was only released in Japan on horizontal (two player systems) arcade systems in 1992 by Tecmo. Saboten Bombe...
Strike Gunner S.T.G is an Action game, developed by Athena and published by Tecmo, which was released in 1991. A vertically scrolling shooter.
An evil being known as Ligar is about to conquer the land of Argool. Such is his power that no living creature dares to cross paths with him. But the ...
A Japanese quiz game. 'Kokology' is a word that basically means 'self-discovery'. It comes from the Japanese word 'kokoro' which is 'spirit' and th...
A Japanese quiz game.
Ninja Action! The stage is set for conspiracy, mystery and evil in America. Come with Ninja Ryu as he takes you on his fateful journey. Tecmo's unique...
A platform game where the main character travels throughout various levels collecting bombs. The hero of the game, Jack, must make his way through 16 ...
Arcade version of a vertically scrolling shooter by TECMO. Destroy enemies and collect items, such as speed, that are stored in a tail behind your shi...
Ganbare Ginkun is a Mini-Games game developed by Tecmo in 1995 for the Arcade.