The game's storyline takes place in Japan. The substance of an angel from heaven was sent to Earth to incarnate in a human. However, there are eight g...
The game's storyline takes place in Japan. The substance of an angel from heaven was sent to Earth to incarnate in a human. However, there are eight g...
Teki Paki is a falling block puzzle game reminiscent of Puyo Puyo and Tetris, where the players' objective is to compete for the highest possible scor...
Tehkan World Cup, aka. Tecmo Cup, is the first multi-player soccer game featuring a trackball controller. Programmed by Michishito Ishizuka it was re...
Tecmo World Cup '90 is a football (soccer) arcade game released in 1989 by Tecmo. An unofficial bootleg of the game named Euro League featuring Europe...
The protagonist Tecmo Knight has the assistance of "Smokeman" and "Tiger". Pressing the "change" button allows Tecmo Knight to switch between the two....
A side-scrolling, four-player American football game that can be played as two-on-two, one-on-two, etc. The game is somewhat primitive in that there i...
A pinball game where you are able to choose between four differents tables. A very addictive pinball where you attempt to take off the clothes of a...
Strato Fighter, otherwise known as Raiga: Strato Fighter, is a 1991 video arcade game developed by Tecmo. It is a horizontal side-scrolling space shoo...
Solomon's Key (ソロモンの鍵 Soromon no Kagi?) is a puzzle game developed by Tecmo in 1986 for arcade release on custom hardware based on the Z80 chipset. It...
Silkworm is a classic horizontally-scrolling shoot-em-up. The main difference between this game and many other side-scrolling shoot-em-ups is that you...