In "Ninja Gaiden II," gamers must guide Ryu Hayabusa on a mission to avenge his clan and prevent the destruction of the human race. Armed with an asso...
In "Ninja Gaiden II," gamers must guide Ryu Hayabusa on a mission to avenge his clan and prevent the destruction of the human race. Armed with an asso...
Fret Nice harmonizes the unity between music and the 2D platformer. As you control your character through the artful stages, you play the game as if i...
Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 (Japanese: デッドオアアライブエクストリーム2 Hepburn: Deddo Oa Araibu Ekusutorīmu 2?, abbreviated as DOAX2) is a 2006 video game for the Xbox 3...
Dead or Alive 4 (Japanese: デッドオアアライブ4 Hepburn: Deddo Oa Araibu Fō?, abbreviated as DOA4) is a fighting game developed by Team Ninja and released by Te...
Before home video game consoles and personal computers, there were arcades that lured young players out with their games, and among those were the Tec...
Based on a true story, Fatal Frame recounts Miku's investigation for her brother Mafuyu, who has been missing for two weeks. Her latest clue leads her...
Ninja Gaiden Black and Ninja Gaiden Sigma. The game follows the fictional story of Ryu Hayabusa, a master ninja, in his quest to recover a stolen swor...
Ninja Gaiden develops its narrative thread through the actions of its player-controlled protagonist, Ryu Hayabusa. Viewed from a third person over-the...
GunGriffon: Allied Strike takes place in a hostile futuristic world where there is little hope for survival among the human race. The earth's resource...
Miku Hinasaki is young girl with a strange sixth sense. Her brother, Mafuyu, and his mentor, Junsei Takamine, went to investigate a mansion that once ...