A young girl receives a doll named Yumetarou (ゆめたろー) for a birthday present. She quickly favors the new doll over her previous five toys, who felt aba...
A young girl receives a doll named Yumetarou (ゆめたろー) for a birthday present. She quickly favors the new doll over her previous five toys, who felt aba...
A NES action game developed by SunSoft and the sequel to Mito Koumon. It was never released outside of Japan. Mito Koumon II: Sekai Manyuuki is the...
MahaRaja is a Role-Playing game, developed by Quest and published by SunSoft, which was released in Japan in 1989.
Once upon a time, in the Kingdom of Badham, there was a statue of a bird known as the Wing of Madoola. Whoever possessed the wing would possess the po...
Lemmings was one of the most popular computer games of its time, and several gaming magazines gave it some of their highest review scores at the time....
Although commonly referred to as Tokaido Gojuusan Tsugi, the full name of the game is Kanshakudama Nage Kantarou no Toukaidou Gojuusan Tsugi, which ca...
In the ruins of Silius, intergalactic terrorists - and their deadly arsenal of weapons - are waiting for you. Are you prepared to face an endless onsl...
In the ruins of Silius, intergalactic terrorists - and their deadly arsenal of weapons - are waiting for you. Are you prepared to face an endless onsl...
Ikki is an Action game, developed by TOSE and published by SunSoft, which was released in Japan in 1985.
Honoo no Doukyuuji: Dodge Danpei 2 is a Sports game, developed and published by SunSoft, which was released in Japan in 1993.