The game follows the adventure of Pike, a young boy whose family was murdered by a horde of monsters while still an infant and is raised by a family o...

Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel is a game for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System and Sega Genesis/Mega Drive. It is a spin-off of the Aero the Acro-Ba...

Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel is a spin-off of the Aero the Acrobat games, its main protagonist being one of Aero's antagonists. The gameplay is similar ...

Set sail for a swashbuckling search! The Pirates of Dark Water puts you in the middle of the popular Saturday morning cartoon! Sail from island to isl...

Brace yourself for a hard-hitting fight to the finish that lets you relive the classic DC comic book series! As Superman, fight for your life against ...

Doomsday" is here and only Superman can stop him. Unfortunately in doing so he gets killed himself. Now four other characters emerge, each claiming to...

Tel-Tel Stadium

Tel-Tel Stadium

Sega Genesis

Tel-Tel Stadium (TEL・TELスタジアム) is a 1990 baseball game by Sunsoft for the Sega Mega Drive. It features Sega Mega Modem support. The game is a typic...

Tel Tel Mahjong

Tel Tel Mahjong

Sega Genesis

Tel-Tel Mahjong (TEL・TELまあじゃん) is a 1990 Sega Mega Drive mahjong game by Sunsoft. It was the first Mega Drive game to feature Sega Mega Modem support.



Sega Genesis

Superman is a single player, action based platformer for the Sega Genesis. As the Man of Steel, you jump, punch and kick your way through several leve...