Tag: Strategic Simulations, Inc.

War of the Lance is presented in a top-down view. In single player mode, the player plays the Whitestone side to fight the evil forces of the Highlord...

A cargo pilot's plane is shot down by a mysterious force while flying over a remote valley in Romania. A helpful village girl named Deirdre rescues hi...

Three new campaigns for Steel Panthers II. Korea 1998 Battle for the Low Countries Drive Into the Rhineland There are 30 additional stand-al...

Silent Hunter is a World War II U.S. Fleet Submarine Combat Simulator. As a commander of a U.S. submarine in the Pacific Theatre, from Pearl Harbor to...

Not your average tour of Europe. In the 21st century, Europe suffered the same bio-war that devastated America, a holocaust that established the deadl...

Based on FASA's popular Renegade Legion: Interceptor game system, Renegade is the story of starfighter-to-starfighter conflict in the 67th century. An...

Lord Dhelt of Elturel was attacked in his own castle. The mysterious assassin stole the Hole Symbol of Helm, a precious amulet with magical powers. Lo...

A space-time portal has suddenly appeared, and two brave adventures entered it. It led to Har'Akir, a scorched desert populated by vicious creatures w...

Will you fight as a Wehrmacht Officer, or perhaps lead your comrades in the Soviet Army? You may want to hit the beaches at Salerno and Normandy as an...