Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime is based in the fictional world of Slimenia, specifically in the capital city of Boingburg. It begins with four Slim...
Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime is based in the fictional world of Slimenia, specifically in the capital city of Boingburg. It begins with four Slim...
Se trata de un RPG, pero con el concepto de jugar y conectarse con otros usuarios. Permite personalizar a nuestro antojo el mundo del juego, y lueg...
Chrono Trigger features standard console role-playing game (RPG) gameplay with several innovations. The player controls the protagonist and his compan...
Chocobo to Mahou no Ehon: Majo to Shoujo to Go-nin no Yuusha (チョコボと魔法の絵本 - 魔女と少女と五人の勇者, Chocobo to Mahō no Ehon - Majo to Shōjo to Gonin no Yūsha?, li...
This installment of the series takes place in the world of Fa'diel on the island of Illusia where, at the center of the island, stands the famous Tree...
There are various gigantic opponents you face off with in this game, some of them are shaped like humans and the others are monsters. The only common ...
A sequel to the first FINAL FANTASY rhythm action game released in 2012, THEATRHYTHM FINAL FANTASY CURTAIN CALL expands on the original in every way w...
A sequel to the first FINAL FANTASY rhythm action game released in 2012, THEATRHYTHM FINAL FANTASY CURTAIN CALL expands on the original in every way w...
THEATRHYTHM FINAL FANTASY CURTAIN CALL expands on the original in every way with new gameplay modes, 221 songs, and over 60 playable characters. Featu...
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy features a hybrid of music rhythm gameplay with RPG elements. Adorably re-designed heroes from the catalogue of FINAL FANTAS...