The game's story follows the character Yuna from Final Fantasy X as she seeks to resolve political conflicts in the fictional world of Spira before it...
The game's story follows the character Yuna from Final Fantasy X as she seeks to resolve political conflicts in the fictional world of Spira before it...
The game's story follows the character Yuna from Final Fantasy X as she seeks to resolve political conflicts in the fictional world of Spira before it...
The game's story follows the character Yuna from Final Fantasy X as she seeks to resolve political conflicts in the fictional world of Spira before it...
Box set that contains Final Fantasy X Ultimate Hits, Final Fantasy X-2 Ultimate Hits, and Final Fantasy Another Story.
Final Fantasy X transitioned the Final Fantasy franchise from the PlayStation to PlayStation 2. Developed and published by Square, it was released on ...
Drakengard follows the story of a kingdomless prince named Caim who fights for the Union against the Empire. Under the Union's protection are the Hier...
Dragon Quest: Young Yangus and the Mysterious Dungeon[a] is a prequel and spin-off to Dragon Quest VIII, developed by Cavia and published by Square En...
A prequel to Dragon Quest VIII featuring Yangus as the main character.
The Journey Begins This November
The game begins with the court jester of the kingdom of Trodain, Dhoulmagus, stealing an ancient scepter and casting a spell on Trodain castle. The sp...