"Unlimited SaGa" is a sequel to Square's famous series of non-linear RPGs. Like in the early Romancing Saga games, and in Saga Frontier, you assume th...
"Unlimited SaGa" is a sequel to Square's famous series of non-linear RPGs. Like in the early Romancing Saga games, and in Saga Frontier, you assume th...
An attack from an unknown power in space threatens the peace between humans and aliens. The attack forces Fayt Leingod and his friend Sophia Esteed to...
An attack from an unknown power in space threatens the peace between humans and aliens. The attack forces Fayt Leingod and his friend Sophia Esteed to...
Romancing SaGa is a 3rd perspective anime role-playing adventure game with turned-based combat. In this game, the player is 1 (one) of the possible 8 ...
Radiata Stories is a fantasy role-playing game set in a world where humans and fairies have peacefully coexisted. Now a war has broken out, and you mu...
Musashi Samurai Legend marks the second chapter in the Musashi series. You'll play as Musashi, a young swordsman summoned to rescue a kidnapped prince...
Contains Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories (GBA), and Kingdom Hearts II.
World-renowned creator and character designer Tetsuya Nomura and his team once again unite the magical world of Disney with the characters of FINAL FA...
Sora, Donald and Goofy travel down a long road that meanders through endless fields, and come to a crossroads. As Sora stands in the crossroads, he ga...
Kingdom Hearts II is the sequel to the action role-playing game featuring a host of familiar characters from movies and video games alike. Disney char...