A prequel to the original Drakengard, Drakengard 3 transports players to a medieval world where six sisters wield special magical abilities as the 'In...
A prequel to the original Drakengard, Drakengard 3 transports players to a medieval world where six sisters wield special magical abilities as the 'In...
In DRAGON QUEST HEROES, players must rise up against insurmountable odds, challenging swarms of enemies and conquering gigantic monsters. DRAGON QUEST...
Gather, craft, and build the kingdom of your dreams to restore the ruined world of Alefgard! As the legendary Builder, you'll construct rooms, towns, ...
You play Adam Jensen, an ex-SWAT specialist who's been handpicked to oversee the defensive needs of one of America's most experimental biotechnology f...
In Deus Ex: Human Revolution you play Adam Jensen, a security specialist, handpicked to oversee the defense of one of America's most experimental biot...
You play Adam Jensen, an ex-SWAT specialist who's been handpicked to oversee the defensive needs of one of America's most experimental biotechnology f...
Fifteen years in the future, the zombie apocalypse is bitter reality as a rampant virus turns all it infects into the walking dead. How will you survi...
Crystal Defenders is a defensive strategy game in which players deploy popular jobs from FINAL FANTASY Tactics A2, such as Black Mages and Soldiers, t...
The sequel to the phenomenal CHRONO TRIGGER, CHRONO CROSS follows the adventures of Serge. Along with the tough-as-nails thief Kid, Serge journeys bac...
Hundreds of years before Lenneth's tale, another saga lies concealed by the gods. The valkyrie Silmeria once served Odin loyally, but after an inciden...