Final Fantasy X, the PS2 debut of the series, marks the installment in which the series makes the graphical leap to fully-polygonal. The story follows...
Final Fantasy X, the PS2 debut of the series, marks the installment in which the series makes the graphical leap to fully-polygonal. The story follows...
Vagrant Story is a role-playing game with several distinguishing characteristics. The entire game (including the numerous cutscenes that advance the p...
THE CINEMATIC RPG One of them is a police officer. The other is possessed by an ancient evil threatening all life on Earth. The horrifying bond bet...
Yokosuka, Japan, 2112 AD. The young student Kazuki Takemura works as a test pilot with Kirishima Industries, a production company of military battle w...
Final Fantasy IX[a] is a 2000 role-playing video game developed and published by Squaresoft for the PlayStation video game console. It is the ninth ga...
Final Fantasy Anthology is a compilation of Final Fantasy games for the Sony PlayStation. The European edition, released in 2002, includes ports of Fi...
150 years ago, the legendary warrior known as the Brave Fencer Musashi saved the kingdom of Allucaneet from the evil Wizard of Darkness. Now, his spir...
A Japan-only board game for the Game Boy Advance and PlayStation, starring the Chocobos