Brave Story is a Japanese fantasy novel written by Miyuki Miyabe. It was serialized in various regional newspapers between November 11, 1999 and Febru...
Brave Story is a Japanese fantasy novel written by Miyuki Miyabe. It was serialized in various regional newspapers between November 11, 1999 and Febru...
Ninku: Tsuyokina Yatsura no Daigekitotsu! (NINKU -忍空- 〜強気な奴等の大激突!〜) is a fighting game developed by SIMS and published by Sega for the Sega Saturn. It...
In the 21st century, if you're doing 200mph, you're holding up traffic. Welcome to Outrun 2019 - a worldwide racing tour where gutsy drivers compete o...
Crayon Shin-chan: Arashi o Yobu Enji (クレヨンしんちゃん 嵐を呼ぶ園児) is a 1993 action game for the Super Famicom by Bandai tying into the Crayon Shin-chan franchis...
You must hunt down Dracula, the Master of Darkness, and defeat him before all of England is in his terrifying grasp! Do you have both the skills and t...
Sega Bass Fishing is an arcade fishing game where players attempt to hook and reel in fish with different lures. It uses a fishing rod controller. Con...