Tag: Simon Quernhorst

Raster Fahndung

Raster Fahndung

Atari 2600

Raster Fahndung is a puzzle game where you must locate patterns of 6 by 6 squares inside a playfield of 32 by 20 squares. Sounds simple enough in theo...

Mental Kombat

Mental Kombat

Atari 2600

Each player has their own color. You have to connect tiles of your color vertically or horizontally. You can move every tile of every color, this me...

I Project

I Project

Atari 2600

Congratulations! Your mission was a success! You, your helicopter and the other two helicopters of your squadron did very well and fought the enemy...



Atari 2600

Darkness. Your head aches. Where are you? What happened to you? Then you remember the steady beep of a technical device. You start groping for the sou...

1475. Tenochtitlán is ruled by the Aztec sovereign Axayacatl, son of Motecuhzoma. Even as he was being defeated by the Tarascans, Axayacatl was expand...