In X-Men Destiny, players control the fate of one of three brand-new mutant characters forced to choose between saving humanity or ensuring its destru...
In X-Men Destiny, players control the fate of one of three brand-new mutant characters forced to choose between saving humanity or ensuring its destru...
Seeking revenge against his murderers and a cure to his vampiric curse, Kain is tasked with traversing the fictional land of Nosgoth and slaughtering ...
This is a special pack of three Eidos games for PlayStation: Blood Omen Legacy of Kain, Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver, and Fighting Force In Blood Om...
Blood Omen is a top-down game where the player controls the vampiric Kain. As a vampire, Kain is able to withstand sunlight, but is harmed by water. H...
Blood Omen is a top-down game where the player controls the vampiric Kain. As a vampire, Kain is able to withstand sunlight, but is harmed by water. H...
The Horde is a hybrid action-strategy video game that was originally released on the 3DO platform, but was soon after ported to the Sega Saturn and MS...
Fantasy Empires is a role-playing fantasy wargame for DOS made by Silicon Knights and published by SSI in 1993. The game uses the Dungeons & Dragons l...
Dark Legions is an action based strategy game. The player may play against the computer or another human on a strategic game board. In the beginning o...
Blood Omen is a top-down game where the player controls the vampiric Kain. As a vampire, Kain is able to withstand sunlight, but is harmed by water. H...
Gamers play and develop their own comic-book mutant heroes and villains in X-Men: Destiny. Set in the Marvel universe and featuring familiar friends a...