Based on the animated feature film of the same name, Robots brings you to a world where humanlike machines walk the Earth. You play as Rodney Copperbo...
Based on the animated feature film of the same name, Robots brings you to a world where humanlike machines walk the Earth. You play as Rodney Copperbo...
This is an updated version of Roberta Williams' Mixed-Up Mother Goose. This version utilizes Sierra's SCI game interpreter and features enhanced graph...
Return to Krondor is the sequel to Betrayal at Krondor. It is set in Raymond E. Feist's world of Midkemia, and offers many of the key RPG elements fou...
Return of The Incredible Machine allows players to use unique, sometimes humorous mechanical components to construct fantastic machines that accomplis...
Red Baron puts you in the pilot's seat of actual World War I fighter aircraft. This game features 28 different aircraft from both the Allied and the G...
Quest for Glory V: Dragon Fire is the fifth and final game in the Quest for Glory computer game series by Sierra Entertainment. Unlike the first four ...
You've saved the world, twice... You just want to bask in the glory of victory and maybe take a vacation. Without warning, you're magically transporte...
A hero's work is never done. Journey with your friends to the land of Tarna. A rich, lush, beautiful land that is on the brink of war. Develop your di...
So you're a hero. Now is not the time to rest on your laurels. A new adventure awaits in the land of Shapeir. Elementals threaten the land with destru...
As a graduate of the Famous Adventurers' Correspondence School, you're more than qualfied to battle brigands, massacre monsters and rescue royalty. If...