The game is set in Krynn, world of the Dragonlance saga, during the War of the Lance. DragonStrike combined elements of computer role-playing games an...
The game is set in Krynn, world of the Dragonlance saga, during the War of the Lance. DragonStrike combined elements of computer role-playing games an...
Death Knights of Krynn is the 2nd volume of the Dragonlance epic and is the sequel to Champions of Krynn. Characters from that game may be imported to...
Enter the realm of Britannia: a world rich in history, adventure, and intrigue. Lord British, the benevolent ruler of Britannia, has been lost on an e...
The year is 1936, and suddenly the protagonist is abducted by the Leather Goddesses for the final testing in the plan which will enslave every man and...
For generations, warriors and adventurers have been drawn to the town of Utsuro to challenge the dangers of its underground tunnels. In hopes of findi...
Gateway to Apshai is a top-down action-RPG. As the descendant of a hero, the player starts with basic stats in 4 areas, Strength, Agility, Luck and He...
Elite, released on the BBC Model B in 1984, by Ian Bell and David Braben. Command your Cobra space ship in a fantastic voyage of discovery and adve...
You have landed your crippled ship at the Atargis mining station. The platform was deserted and no one answered your radio calls. Now you are forced t...
In Robin Hood you must perform many heroic deeds to change the public impression of you from "villain" to "hero." The ultimate aim is to retake your c...
You just inherited a one-man star freighter - the SunDog - from an uncle who died under mysterious circumstances. You also inherited the contract he s...