Embark on an adventure to save the world from a mechanical infection. The Father of FINAL FANTASY, Hironobu Sakaguchi, and renowned composer Nobuo Ue...
Embark on an adventure to save the world from a mechanical infection. The Father of FINAL FANTASY, Hironobu Sakaguchi, and renowned composer Nobuo Ue...
Dragon Quest V: La prometida celestialnota 1 es un videojuego de rol y la quinta entrega de la serie Dragon Quest, así como la segunda de la «trilogí...
RUN=DIM as Black Soul is a turn-based strategy RPG for SEGA Dreamcast, made by Idea Factory & Yuki & Digital Dream Studios.
With the information we got from the gigaleak, it confirmed that Master Quest was indeed the final version of the Disk Expansion meant for Ocarina of ...
The final entry in the Siralim series. Features over 1200 creatures to collect, a unique creature fusion system, randomly generated dungeons spanning ...
A Japanese light novel series written by Natsume Akatsuki. The series follows a boy who is sent to a fantasy world following his death, forming a dysf...
Description Pokémon Serene Crystal is a hack designed to refresh the original Crystal experience. It introduces new gym leaders, incorporates Pokém...
Intro: Pokémon Aquamarine and its eight variants are ROM hacks of FireRed that takes place in Manta, an entirely new region based off South America. ...
Worked on over the course of half a decade, Star Beasts is a Gen 1 dex overhaul and homage to the first generation of Pokémon games. Started as a p...
Pokémon Velvet is a deluxe version and follow up to Pokémon Pink 'n Purple: Hatenna & Sneasel. Aside from all relevant art being updated to not repres...