Cannon Spike, known as Gunspike (ガンスパイク) in Japan, is an action-shoot-'em-up game developed by Psikyo and published by Capcom for Sega NAOMI hardware ...
Cannon Spike, known as Gunspike (ガンスパイク) in Japan, is an action-shoot-'em-up game developed by Psikyo and published by Capcom for Sega NAOMI hardware ...
"Psikyo" is coming back now!! Samurai Aces for Nintendo Switch The first shooting game of Psikyo is for sale on Nintendo Switch!! If you went to vide...
Ikuze! Onsen Takkyu is a 3D ping-pong game with a full-on dramatic storyline and 8 in-depth characters. In story mode you'll compete at a resort to ev...
Continuing where the last game ended, the forces of CANY had been demolished by the previous Strikers' line-up. However, a small group known as the FG...
Tengai is an Action game, developed by Psikyo and published by 505 Game Street, which was released in Europe in 2006.
Description- Taisen Hot Gimmick: AXES-JONG is the indirect sequel to last year's released Taisen Hot Gimmick Cosplay. In this CERO 18 (suitable for...
Sol Divide delivers players with the action they are looking for and a story that places them right in the heat of the battle in this fantasy-based sh...
Samurai Aces is a Miscellaneous game, developed by Psikyo and published by Taito Corporation, which was released in Japan in 2004.
Volume two of the Psikyo Shooting Collection contains the following arcade shoot 'em up games: * Sengoku Ace * Sengoku Blade: Sengoku Ace Episode II...
Gunbird: Special Edition brings you one of the most popular arcade series for the first time on your console. Gunbird offers you the adventure for the...