Tag: Platform

Super Imposter Bros.

Super Imposter Bros.

Nintendo Game Boy

SUPER IMPOSTOR BROS. is an Among Us fangame made for the GameBoy Color. Part platformer, part visual novel, play it in your web browser, or download t...

Mega Man 4 : Voyage

Mega Man 4 : Voyage

Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)

This ROM hack is a major overhaul of Mega Man 4 that changes the original game so much that it can almost be considered a new game altogether. In fact...

Anna: The Magic of Words

Anna: The Magic of Words

Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)

The magic of words gave you everything and suddenly took everything from you. A little sad and disappointed you make your way through a dangerous w...

Kamek's Revenge

Kamek's Revenge

Super Nintendo (SNES)

This is a hack by S.N.N. When he made 1.0 there were many bugs and some missing Extra levels. Then Zeldara took over, fixing many bugs and adding some...

So, what's this all about? "The Second Reality Project Reloaded" is not another new entry in the TSRP-series, it's a remake of the first part. The hac...

Of Jumps and Platforms

Of Jumps and Platforms

Super Nintendo (SNES)

Of Jumps and Platforms (or OJaP, in short) is a SMW hack of hard-very hard difficulty, heavily focused on platforming. It contains a total of 7 exits,...

Grand Poo World 3

Grand Poo World 3

Super Nintendo (SNES)

Grand Poo World 3 is the third and final game in the series. This game emphasizes custom asm and difficult platforming. This hack is dedicated t...