A game produced by the comedy duo "Yoiko" who is familiar on TV. One day, his son goes on a journey in search of his father who suddenly left behind a...
A game produced by the comedy duo "Yoiko" who is familiar on TV. One day, his son goes on a journey in search of his father who suddenly left behind a...
The world is no longer human, and there is only a phantom land floating in the sky that covers the moon and the sun. Once every 100 years, the board g...
Kitty's upbringing and fortune-telling game is finally here! As the level goes up, you will be able to do various fortune-telling! Fortune-telling you...
Disney's Beauty and the Beast: A Board Game Adventure packs the personality and fun of the popular Disney characters into a wild board game filled wit...
A simulation game in which you create and sell your own hamburger using various ingredients and run a hamburger chain store. In eight stages, each wit...
Sugoroku opening battle game. Turn the roulette wheel to become the owner. The decisive factor in the game is whether you can stop the roulette wheel ...
"Inazuma Seal", which was created in collaboration with Izumi Eda, the original author of the blockbuster character "Sushi Seal", and HAKUEI of the ro...
Gabriella must be dreaming... Help the Wildcats find the missing instruments in time for the state competition! Play as Gabriella, Troy, Sharpay and...
Pokemon Maize is a game hack developed by ShantyTown. An organization known as Team Quarry is excavating vast amounts of materials from the ground in ...
El jugador tiene que seleccionar una dificultad y un personaje para jugar, en un sistema de menú similar a Dragon Running, otro juego desarrollado por...