Tag: Origin Systems

Crusader: No Remorse

Crusader: No Remorse

Sony Playstation

As No Remorse opens, a trio of Silencers—enigmatic super-soldiers—are returning from a botched mission in which they disobeyed an order to fire upon c...

Following the defeat of the evil triad in the previous three Ultima games, the world of Sosaria changed beyond recognition: continents rose and sank, ...

Wing Commander is a space combat simulator interspersed with shipboard dialogs. Onboard the ship, you can save/load game, visit the bar to get the lat...

Wings of Glory is one of the relatively few World War 1 flight simulators. It is played in 1st person, with 3rd person camera options and uses Origin'...

It's 2654 and mankind needs a hero... Wing Commander: The Secret Missions is another thrilling chapter in the continuing saga o the TCS Tiger's Claw...

The Kilrathi Saga was a grand compilation of the initial Wing Commander trilogy and its four expansion packs. Dropaway cockpits, remastered audio and ...

It has been some twelve years since the destruction of Kilrah, the Kilrathi homeworld. The Terran Confederation, slowly demobilizing and reorganizing ...

2669, Gemini Sector, Troy System. The Terran frontier between the Kilrathi Empire and the unknown. Privateer takes you to the seamy side of the Wing C...