The film Platoon featured a squad of five soldiers on their mission for the US Army in Vietnam. In this action game based around the film, you take co...
The film Platoon featured a squad of five soldiers on their mission for the US Army in Vietnam. In this action game based around the film, you take co...
The entire world is in the grip of a computer known simply as The Big One. Its code is far too complex for you to crack, so you must find scientists, ...
The Buster brothers must finish a round-the-world quest to destroy bouncing balloons that are terrorizing several of Earth's landmarks and cities. The...
Operation Thunderbolt is the exciting sequel to Operation Wolf. An airliner is hijacked by terrorists en-route from Paris to Boston, who threaten to k...
Olympic Challenge bundled with Commodore 64's Includes: Daley Thompson's Decathlon World Series Baseball Match Point Match Day II Track & Fiel...
Like many of Ocean's games this was licensed from a film,in this case one by Orion, the company best known for Robocop. You control a succession of th...
Narc is a 1-2 player game, where your mission is to infiltrate the Mr. Big Corporation, the scourge of the underworld. To do this, you must get throug...
In the distant future, human beings have outposts all over the galaxies, but wars and aggression have not died out. Neither has opposition to potentia...
The player takes control of a commando who is out to rescue his kidnapped family, including his scientist grandfather who is being forced to create a ...
In this spin-off from a popular TV cop show of the 1980s, Crockett and Tubbs are trying to smash a drugs ring bossed by Mr. J. You have to start at th...