The game consists of five missions and features several boss fights. The game's story unfolds on a typewriter. The player uses a six shot revolver whi...
The game consists of five missions and features several boss fights. The game's story unfolds on a typewriter. The player uses a six shot revolver whi...
9 in 1 is an unlicensed multicart for the Nintendo Entertainment System, based on Caltron 6 in 1. Recently, the prototype went up for sale on Ebay. Th...
Six of the newest video games in one cartridge. You get all 6 of the newest games for the price of one. Saves you space and convinience to operate. ...
Brush Roller is a clone of Make Trax (an arcade game by Kural Samno in 1981. Also known as Crush Roller. Which the name came from.) made by Hwang Shin...
Balloon Monster is a clone and port of the arcade game Pang for the Famicom. It was made and released by NTDEC in 1991. The player has to shoot from b...
The multicart itself starts with an intro featuring a pair of dancing shoes. All of the games from Caltron 6-in-1 are present on this multicart, altho...