The House in Fata Morgana is a gothic tale set in a cursed mansion spanning nearly a millennium that deals in tragedy, human nature, and insanity. You...
The House in Fata Morgana is a gothic tale set in a cursed mansion spanning nearly a millennium that deals in tragedy, human nature, and insanity. You...
A gothic suspense tale set in a cursed mansion. "The House in Fata Morgana" is a full-length visual novel spanning nearly a millennium that deals in t...
A gothic suspense tale set in a cursed mansion. "The House in Fata Morgana" is a full-length visual novel spanning nearly a millennium that deals in t...
The House in Fata Morgana is a visual novel video game developed by Novectacle. It was released for Microsoft Windows and iOS by Novectacle in 2012 an...