Tag: Nihon Falcom Corp.

A Game Boy spin-off in the Dragon Slayer franchise. Dragon Slayer Gaiden is a role-playing game developed by Epoch and published by Nihon Falcom fo...

Ys: Ancient Ys Vanished

Ys: Ancient Ys Vanished

Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)

Once long ago, the Kingdom of Y's fell under a reign of evil. But the Goddesses of Y's saved the Kingdom from ruin. Their feats were written in 6 magi...

Two of gaming's all-time classics are reborn on DS. Stories tell of a land of yore, now shrouded by centuries of time forgotten, called Ys. Despite it...

Adol Christin's long-time friend, Dogi, wishes to return to his home town of Redmont after hearing about strange disturbances that are happening there...