"Cosmo Police Galivan" is an action game released by Nichibutsu in 1985. Players are transformed into "Galivan" with putting in hand the power crys...
"Cosmo Police Galivan" is an action game released by Nichibutsu in 1985. Players are transformed into "Galivan" with putting in hand the power crys...
“Armed F' is a shooting game that was released from Nichibutsu in 1988. Players equip 'Armor' what can make variety attacks, and fight in variety wor...
Ray-Thunder is an Action game, published by Nichibutsu, which was released in Japan in 1991.
Super Star Pro Wrestling is a 1989 Japanese professional wrestling, or puroresu, game made by Nihon Bussan and published by Pony Canyon for the Ninten...
Mahjong Taisen is a Miscellaneous game, developed by Nihon Bussan and published by Nichibutsu, which was released in Japan in 1992.
Experience the circus of the race! A total of 15 courses are on offer and there is a World Championship mode to champion your vehicle! The "Constru...
In Crazy Climber the player assumes the role of a daredevil who is attempting to climb to the top of four skyscrapers. There are a number of obstacles...
Aliens have invaded our asteroid belt! It's up to you to get rid of them. Your space ship on the bottom of the vertically scrolling screen dodges and ...
In Galivan the player takes the role of the last remaining member of the Cosmo Police. His comrades died while trying to free the planet Cynep from th...
Wiping is a Maze / Digging game developed by Nichibutsu for the Arcade. You control a vaccum cleaner that attempts to clean the entire floor while ...