Unlike the first game of the series, that was a mission-based game, and the second one, where your character had unique abilities such as observing th...
Unlike the first game of the series, that was a mission-based game, and the second one, where your character had unique abilities such as observing th...
Essentially similar to The Settlers AKA Serf City, Global Effect involves building up a sound local economy before going out to attack other nations a...
Diggers is a Lemmings-style puzzle game where you command five alien miners (from a choice of four clans) and various gadgets to dig for treasure. The...
Following on from Brutal Sports Football came this interpretation of soccer, released alongside the 1994 World Cup. In one player mode you can play a ...
Thunderstrike is a 3d spaceship shooter set in the year 2238, using a non-textured polygon graphics engine. As a pilot in the "Ground Defense Games", ...
In Robin Hood you must perform many heroic deeds to change the public impression of you from "villain" to "hero." To he ultimate aim is to retake your...
Rome: Pathway to Power is set - as the name implies - in Ancient Rome. You start life as a poor slave in Herculaneum, which, along with Pompeii, was d...
Young Morris Rolph has been trapped in limbo due to a malfunction on Dr Krankenpot's new teleport machine. Now he's been split into his 4 component pa...
A platform game resembling Mario and Wonderboy quite strongly. Kid must rescue the woman he loves by crossing 6 worlds, each split into 4 levels. Ther...
Although not released for 8-bit systems, this platform game has a definite Commodore 64 feel to it. Bright primary colours and smiling characters are ...