Tag: Midway

There was a time, thousands of years ago when 'visitors' arrived on earth and chose humans for a great experiment. They gave humans the ability to lea...

Gun Fight

Gun Fight


Gun Fight is a two player twitch game in which players take on the role of gunfighter in the American West. Four way joysticks allow the player to his...

Launch missiles at targets moving horizontally across the screen.

Gauntlet: Dark Legacy is the follow-up to Gauntlet: Legends and another installment in the long-running Gauntlet series of hack-and-slash action games...

You control a little guy who runs around the playfield attaching dominos to pre-set 'dots' that form a line or a shape. Random people walk around an a...

A shooting game that takes place in a desert where players try to shoot roadrunners, buzzards and other animals. It is the same game as Midway's Road ...

Drive your car in a demolition derby and avoid getting hit in the radiator. Hit other cars in the radiator several times to make them explode. Collect...

The game is a simple black and white monochrome driving game. You control a car through a night time scene, and the road is represented by simple post...

Cruis'n World is the 1996 sequel to the 1994 arcade racer Cruis'n USA. As the title implies, Cruis'n World allows players to race on various tracks ar...