Tag: Microsoft Studios

MS-Flight Simulator is modelled after the performance characteristics of an aircraft of the Cessna 182 class (single engine, land, with substantial ...

Designed for Microsoft Windows environment as stress relief for that busy office. Titles include: Chess Go Figure! (mathematics theme) Tic-Tac-Drop (p...

Microsoft Baseball 2000 is a sports video game developed by WizBang! Software Productions and published by Microsoft. It was released for Microsoft Wi...

Microsoft Arcade brings you fast-action play of five classic arcade games -- right in Windows! Take a few minutes out of a busy day to defend your tur...

The game takes place on the Inner Sphere planet Kentares IV and its moon. Players take control of Ian Dresari, son of famed Clan War hero Duke Eric Dr...

The sequel to Mechwarrior 4: Vengeance. When you're a 'Mech Mercenary, you call the shots. You don't fight for honor - you fight for cold hard cash, a...

Kentares IV has been in political turmoil since Ian Dresari took possession of the Ducal throne. Details of his succession are sketchy, but many feel ...

On the world of Carver V, the FedCom civil war between House Davion and House Steiner threatens to pull plenty of innocent bystanders into the maelsto...