Scrapland's story is set in the robot-populated world of the same name, also known by the inhabitants as Chimera, which seems like a giant asteroid va...
Scrapland's story is set in the robot-populated world of the same name, also known by the inhabitants as Chimera, which seems like a giant asteroid va...
Jericho's core gameplay consists of leading the game's eponymous seven-man team, allowing control of all team members by jumping to each character dur...
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Ultimate Edition is a dark and vivid new re-imagining of the Castlevania mythology. It is the end of days and ungodly p...
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 returns in an epic adventure set in an open, modern day world. Fans of the series will play as Dracula for the very fir...
This sequel to Castlevania: Lords of Shadow reveals the story of the Belmonts as they battle destiny across generations to discover their true fate. T...
Join intergalactic bounty hunter Samus Aran in her first new 2D Metroid story in 19 years Samus’ story continues after the events of the Metroid Fusi...
Join intergalactic bounty hunter Samus Aran in her first new 2D Metroid story in 19 years Samus’ story continues after the events of the Metroid Fusi...
Join intergalactic bounty hunter Samus Aran in her first new 2D Metroid story in 19 years Samus’ story continues after the events of the Metroid Fusi...
Join intergalactic bounty hunter Samus Aran in her first new 2D Metroid story in 19 years Samus’ story continues after the events of the Metroid Fusi...
Brave the hostile terrain of an alien planet teeming with vicious life forms as legendary bounty hunter Samus Aran. Her mission? Terminate the Metroid...