Onmyo Taisenki is a Japanese manga series written by Hiroyuki Kaido and illustrated by Yoshihiko Tomisawa. It was adapted into an anime series produce...
Onmyo Taisenki is a Japanese manga series written by Hiroyuki Kaido and illustrated by Yoshihiko Tomisawa. It was adapted into an anime series produce...
It is a side-scrolling fighting game for Nintendo DS starring the characters of Futari wa Pretty Cure Max Heart, in which you guide Cure Black or Cure...
Heart pounding Sexy Dungeon RPG. Five ladies are on the adventure for ‘the Holy Grail of beauty’, which is said to be able to grant any wish. This is ...
The year is 781 in Runersia. War looms on the horizon for six nations with incompatible ideologies. Six rulers and their rune knights will throw thems...
Brigandine: The Legend of Runersia is a tactical role-playing game developed by Matrix Software and published by Happinet. It is a sequel to the 1998 ...
Between the worlds of light and dark lies the world of dreams. A world where the rule of reason loosens its grip. A place where an insidious evil is s...
Long, long ago, the real world and dream world were one and the same. But because of the dark thoughts in people's minds, the Nightmare was born and t...
The game's protagonist is a young man named Alundra, who learns that he has the power to enter people's dreams. He is shipwrecked on an island, near t...
Nectaris: Military Madness is a Strategy game, developed by Matrix Software and published by Hudson, which was released in Japan in 1998.
You are Flint, a renegade swordsman on a quest to free a kingdom from the grip of a sinister ruler. Through a land of hidden danger you wield your wea...