Batman Returns on the SEGA CD is an enhanced version of the Genesis adaptation of the movie. It includes the entirety of the original platform game, b...
Batman Returns on the SEGA CD is an enhanced version of the Genesis adaptation of the movie. It includes the entirety of the original platform game, b...
3 Ninjas Kick Back In this action-packed adventure, you become any one of the 3 Ninjas as you skateboard, hang glide and kick your way through fore...
You must help an old samurai to retrieve a dagger he once got as an award for his achievements in martial arts. The dagger was stolen by somebody who ...
Captain Carnage and Major Mayhem lead your force... all right, actually they are your face. That's right -- two men against an entire army! If you nee...
Sports Illustrated: Golf Classic is a Sports game, developed by Unexpected Development and published by Malibu, which was released in Europe in 1993.
Sports Illustrated: Championship Football & Baseball is a Sports game, developed by Halestorm and published by Malibu, which was released in 1993.
Sports Illustrated for Kids: The Ultimate Triple Dare is a Sports game, developed by Halestorm and published by Malibu, which was released in 1994.
seaQuest DSV is an Action game, developed by Unexpected Development and published by Malibu, which was released in 1994.
PGA European Tour is a Sports game, developed by Unexpected Development and published by Malibu, which was released in 1995.
NHL Hockey '95 is a Sports game, developed and published by Malibu, which was released in 1995.